Crossmark is creative ...

Creative with images.
We design your logo, brochures, direct mailings, packaging … and meticulously follow the entire project through until it goes to printing. We do this for every job, throughout every phase of the project. With the help of specialized software and advanced digital techniques we perfect your images to the smallest details. Thanks to our training, things like colour correction, prepress preparation or Photoshop have no more secrets for us.
Graphic design
Crossmark started as a design studio, so graphic design is still an important element for us. That’s why we don’t shy away from creating creative layouts, basic desktop publishing or switching languages, for all small or large projects alike.
Photo manipulation
An image should say more than a thousand words. However, this isn’t always the case, due to for instance framing or bad lighting. Lucky for you, we have these magical fingers which will turn every picture into a real page-turner.
Our passion for these high-profile images also manifests as a passion for photography. When no images are available, we’d love to arrange for a high-end photoshoot for your locations or products.
Sounds good?
The entire Crossmark team is ready to help, advise or design beautiful creations for you.
Contact us for more information or request a quote without obligation!